
quinta-feira, 30 de abril de 2009

Baptismum Cruentus (Mexico) - Cold Grimness Misanthropy (Demo 2008)

1. Depressive Nihilism Within Misanthropic Visions
2. My Journey Through Suicide
3. Nothingness Embrace [Outro]
4. Sepmiternum Humanis Sevitiam
5. Thoughts Of Self-Mutilation [Intro]

Fornicatus - The Suicide Chamber (Demo 2008)

1. Into the Blackness 10:05
2. Profound Dreams 07:02
3. Dagger in Flesh 08:52
4. The Suicide Chamber 12:42
Total playing time 38:41

Aska (Swe) - Dar Vanvett Gror (2007)

1. Undergång 05:30 
2. Nattsaga 07:05 
3. Där Vanvett Gror 05:46 
4. Draken 04:50 
5. Manifest 04:32
6. Messias 04:04 
7. Drogepilog 02:09 
Total playing time 33:56

Archangellus (Brazil) - Magnus Ominis Umbra (1997)

1. Simbolic Black Tears Of God 01:04
2. Omnscient's Superb Iniquity 04:50
3. Lusbel 06:01
4. The Wise 08:30
5. Salve Coagula 09:08
6. Pervetutus Nefarius Evangelli 10:38
7. Luciferian Worship 07:50
Total playing time 48:01

Sathanas (U.S.A) - Ripping Evil (Demo)

1. Jaws of Satan 02:48
2. Blood Sacrifice 02:55 
3. Sathanas 03:13 
4. Hail Lucifer 05:06 
Total playing time 14:02

terça-feira, 28 de abril de 2009

Vesania (Pol) - God the Lux

1. Path I - Rest In Pain 05:31 
2. Path II - Posthuman Kind 03:37 
3. Path III - Lumen Clamosum 01:54 
4. Path IV - God The Lux 04:00 
5. Path V - Synchroscheme 05:21 
6. Path VI - Phosphorror 03:45 
7. Path VII - Lumen Funestum 01:31 
8. Path VIII - The Mystory 04:54
9. Path IX - Fireclipse 05:36 
10. Path X - Lumen Coruscum 00:30
11. Path XII - Mask Ill *
12. Path XII - Legions Are Me 03:25 
13. Path XIII - Inlustra Nigror 25:58
Total playing time 41:15

Vesania (Pol) - Firefrost Arcanum

 1. Path 1. Mystherion. Crystaleyes. 05:31
2. Path 2. Introit Algor 00:35
3. Path 3. Nova Persei 08:46
4. Path 4. Algorfocus Nefas 02:42
5. Path 5. Marduke's Mazemerising 04:39
6. Path 6. Moonthrone. Dawn Broken. 09:38
7. Path 7. Introit Focus 00:39
8. Path 8. Daemoonion Act II 08:45
9. Path 9. Introit Nefas 00:40
10. Path 10. Dukedom Black Act I 09:39
Total playing time 51:34

Vesania (Pol) - Distractive Killusions

1. Narrenschyff 06:00
2. The Dawnfall(Hamartia And Hybris) 04:57 
3. Infinity Horizon 04:49 
4. Rage of Reason 05:52 
5. Of Bitterness And Clarity 04:42
6. Silence Makes Noise(Eternity - The Mood) 04:47 
7. Hell Is For Children 04:58 
8. Aesthesis 05:04 
9. Distractive Cryscendo 01:56
Total playing time 43:05

Amok Vedar (Alemanha) - Menschenstaub [2004]

1. Verfall 06:12
2. Schwarze Flut 06:47
3. Glückseligkeit 04:35
4. Menschenstaub 07:18
5. Sine Nomine 03:41
6. Wiedergeburt 04:46
7. Glaubensfluch 05:37
8. Feuersturm 05:24
9. Suizid 05:54
Total playing time 50:14

Aequiternus - (Russia) - Теряя Сознание (Loosing Consciousness) [Demo 2008)

01. Ненавижу Black Metal(I Hate Black Metal) 03:13
02. Теряя Сознание (Beyond Bloodred Horizons) 02:58
03. На Руинах Старой Реальности (Flight of the Nazgul) 05:31

Gadereel - 2008 - Sacrifice Of Souls MMVIII [Demo]

1. Ave Satana 05:42
2. Cromlech 04:17
3. Sacrifice Of Soul 04:28
4. Satanic War 04:10
5. Sons Of Satan 03:15
6. Victoria Sobre El Falso Reino 03:13
7. Vomiting Blood In The Nazarene Face 06:21
Total playing time 31:26

Fornicatus & Black Hate & Happy Days & All The Cold - Children Of Failure [Split, 2009]

1. Years of Angst 09:22
2. My Grave 09:51
Black Hate
3. Soledad 09:31
4. Alone and Cold 07:18
Happy Days
5. Dying Alone Done 06:40
All the Cold
6. Coldly to Heart 04:48
7. New Day Without Me 16:41
Total playing time 01:04:11

segunda-feira, 27 de abril de 2009

Vreid - Pitch Black Brigade

1. Då Draumen Rakna 05:16 
2. Left To Hate 04:38 
3. Pitch Black 04:20 
4. The Red Smell 04:42 
5. Hengebjørki 09:21 
6. Our Battle 03:35 
7. Hang 'Em All 03:33 
8. Eit Kapitell For Seg Sjølv 06:54
Total playing time 42:19

Vreid - I Krig (2007)

1. Jarnbyrd 06:30 
2. Under Isen 03:35
3. I Krig 08:40 
4. Væpna Lengsel 04:04 
5. Svart 03:54
6. Folkefiendar 03:58
7. Dei Daude Steig Av Grav 05:13 
8. Fangegard 03:58
9. Millom Hav Og Fjell 05:15
Total playing time 45:07

Vreid - Kraft (2004)

1. Wrath of Mine 04:17
2. Raped by Light 03:50 
3. Helvete 05:33 
4. Unholy Water 04:36
5. Eldast, Utan Å Gro 06:54
6. Evig Pine 04:54
7. Empty 04:05
8. Songen Åt Fangen 06:01
Total playing time 40:31

Smorzando - Smrad (Demo Tape 2008)

1. Lied 1 07:25
2. Lied 2 05:40
3. Lied 3 05:31
4. Lied 4 04:48
5. Lied 5 05:41
Total playing time 30:00

Zelfhaat - Van Jammerklacht en Wanhoopsgeschrei (Demo 2007)

1. Introspectie 03:43 
2. Altijd Lijden 09:51
3. Beklagenswaardig Bestaan 09:40
4. Dodenakker 05:24
5. Levensverachting 09:23 
6. Zielenpijn 07:35
7. Vaarwel 04:49

Zorn - Schwarz Metall (2001)

1. Hexenlichter Am Nordhimmel 04:33
2. Schwarz Metall 04:34
3. Der Totale Krieg 04:11
4. Wiederkehr 04:41
5. Kriegserklärung An Die Menschheit 03:52
6. ...In Flammen 04:05
7. Panzerzorn 04:31
8. Genickschuss 00:03
Total playing time 30:30

Xibalba - Ah Dzam Poop Ek

1. Furor Antiquus 07:58
2. Vuch 01:58
3. In Deamones Imperium 05:49
4. Carchah 04:34
5. Sac Ibteeloob Cab 06:44
6. Sign of Eastern War 04:59
7. Bolontiku Vahom 08:37 
8. Itzam Cab Ain Katun 04:15 
9. Outro 00:54

domingo, 26 de abril de 2009

Black Cobra - Bestial (2006)

1. One Nine 03:08
2. Thrown From Great Heights 02:01
3. El Equis 03:09
4. Beneath 02:08
5. Omniscient 03:18
6. The Cry of Melora 03:16
7. Broken on the Wheel 06:05
8. Sugar Water 04:23
9. El Doce de Octubre 03:55
10. Sombra de Bestia 02:31
11. Kay-Dur-Twenty 02:25
Total playing time 36:19

Arkona - Epidemia RozczarowaniaI Nedza Duchowa & Przyszly Zdrajca Chrzescijanskiej Masy - Live Video

Arkona - [2005] Bogowie Zapomnienia

1. Nieporozumienie W Bezsensie Istnienia
2. Gwa³t W³asnego Po¿¹dania
3. Przysz³y Zdrajca Chrzeœcijañskiej Masy
4. Szalencza Pogoñ Za Bezwstydn¹ Rozkosz¹
5. Kres Ludzkiej Doskona³osci Obezw³adniony Pró¿noœci¹
6. Najprostrza Martwica Zgubnej Niemocy
7. Niezwykle Uci¹¿liwa Droga Do Gwiazd...
8. Kiedy G³az Nadaje Kszta³t Boskiej Naturze / Kr¹g Ognia
The translated song titles are:
1. "Misunderstanding In The Nonsense of Existence"
2. "Rape Of One's Coveting"
3. "Future Traitor Of The Christian Masses"
4. "The Wild Pursuit After The Shameless Pleasure"
5. "The Verge Of Mankind's Essence Overpowered By Thirst"
6. "The Easiest Worry Of A Harmful Debility"

Arkona - [2003] Konstelacja Lodu

1. Módl siê do wiatru o powrót mój ... 05:55
2. Gdzie bogowie s± jak bracia i siostry ... 07:47
3. Ch³odne i dostojne s± nasze oblicza ... 05:30
4. Moja mistyczna droga do gwiazd ... 05:04
5. Kiedy psy w zagrodach ujadaj± ... 07:24
6. W mglistej konstelacji lodu ... 10:19
Album title: The Constellation of Ice

1. Pray to the Wind for My Return...
2. Where the Gods are Like Brothers and Sisters...
3. Cold and Distinguished are Our Faces...
4. My Mystic Way to the Stars...
5. When the Hounds are Barking in the Farmsteads...
6. In the Foggy Constellation of Ice...

Arkona - [2001] Zeta Reticuli (A Tale About Hatred And Total Enslavement)

1. Kiedy G³az Nadaje Kszta³t Boskiej Naturze / Kr¹g Ognia... 07:53
2. Demoniczne Spojrzenia Bogów Skierowane Na Arkonê W Dobie Rozkwitu Nowej Wiary... 04:27
3. Pozorna Wada Niedostêpnoœci Tajemnic Bogów Którymi Nie Gardzi Pogañska Duma... 04:18
4. Niezwykle Uci¹¿liwa Droga Do Gwiazd Oraz Odwieczna Niemoc W Zrozumieniu Prawdy Ukrytej Na Biegunach Strachu... 05:20
5. Gorycz £ez Nektaru Wiecznoœci... 08:05 
6. Odejdê W Dniu Gdy DŸwiêk Zamilknie... 05:09
7. Zeta Reticuli - Ostateczne Pojednanie Ze Stwórcami Bez Koniecznoœci Dalszej Reinkarnacji... 07:28
Translation of titles' tracks:

1. When A Boulder Resembles the Shape of God's Nature / Circle Of Fire...
2. A Demonic Stare Of The Gods, Directed Towards Arkona In The Heyday Of A New
3. An Imaginary Defect Of The Inaccessibility Of Secret Gods For Which A Pagan
Pride Does Not Disdain...
4. Unusually Represses The Way To The Stars And Immemorial Debility In
Understanding The Truth Hidden At The Poles Of Fear...
5. The Bitter Tears Of The Nectar Of Eternity...
6. I Will Depart In The Day When Sound Is Silenced...
7. Zeta Reticuli - The Ultimate Reconciliation Of Creators Without The Necessity Of Next Reincarnation...

Profanum - Under A Black Wings Of Emperor (Demo 94)

1. The Ultimate Blasphemy 04:06
2. Let Jesus Fuck 04:36
3. Into the Beginning of Eternal Wisdom 03:39
4. Darklord 03:48
5. Unspoken Name of God 04:34

Cannibal Holocaust - Full Movie - Various Subtitles

Subtitles in:
Portugal Portuguese
Brazilian Portuguese
English (Only dialogues in Spanish)

sexta-feira, 24 de abril de 2009

1349 - Hellfire

1. I Am Abomination 04:09
2. Nathicana 04:38
3. Sculptor of Flesh 03:17
4. Celestial Deconstruction 07:44
5. To Rottendom 05:51
6. From the Deeps 06:25
7. Slaves to Slaughter 06:11
8. Hellfire 13:49

quinta-feira, 23 de abril de 2009

Xibalba - In Lucescitae Tristis Hiei (1992)

1. Furor Antiquus 08:16
2. Cadeae Ex Cuzivan 04:12
3. Tedeum Finatum 10:59
4. In Lucescitae Tristis Hiei 05:46

Woods of Infinity - Frozen Nostalgia [EP, 2008]

1. Summer is Not My Friend 05:31
2. Excursions Into the Uncanny Valley 04:41

Pestilential Shadows - Impaled By The Moon

Ripped of the tape original by Beelzeebubth
1. Impaled by the Moon
2. Decay
3. Sombre Winter Death
4. Shell Rot
Total playing time 29:10

Pestilential Shadows - Putrify

1. Sentinel of the Epidemic 08:02
2. Amongst Famine 05:57
3. Putrify 03:35
4. The Delusion Trail 10:07
Total playing time 27:41

Pestilential Shadows - Embrace After Death

1. The Pestilential 02:55
2. Plague Eclipse 07:38
3. The Fate of all That Lives 06:52
4. Church Incinerate MMIII 09:11
5. Eternal Decomposition 02:36
6. Haunting Gallows 08:48
7. ...of Earth & Eerie 07:45
8. Forever Dark 01:06
Total playing time 46:51

terça-feira, 21 de abril de 2009

1349 - 2003 - Liberation

1. Manifest 04:05
2. I Breathe Spears 04:26
3. Riders of the Apocalypse 04:36
4. Deathmarch 01:07
5. Pitch Black 03:20
6. Satanic Propaganda 03:44 
7. Legion 04:56
8. Evil Oath 03:48
9. Liberation 05:21
10. Buried By Time and Dust (Mayhem cover) 03:05
Total playing time 38:28

1349 - 1349

1. End of All 05:50
2. Antichrist Warzone 04:23 
3. Chaos Within 04:08 
4. The Usurper (live) (Celtic Frost cover) 03:27 
Total playing time 17:48

1349 - Beyond the Apocalypse

1. Chasing Dragons
2. Beyond The Apocalypse
3. Aiwass Aeon
4. Necronatalenheten
5. Perished In Pain
6. Singer Of Strange Songs
7. Blood Is The Mortar
8. Internal Winter
9. The Blade 

1349 - Chaos Preferred (Demo 1999)

Promo CD

Ravn - Vocals/Drums

Seidemann - Bass

Idar "Archaon" Burheim - Guitar

Andre "Tjalve" Kvebek - Guitar

1. Chaos Preferred 04:08

2. Nightmare Reality 04:00

3. True Violent Passion 05:01

4. F.T.W. 06:23

Total playing time 19:32